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Who I Am.

Greetings, and welcome to my Blog

My name is William (Bill) Funkhouser, President and Founder of True Devotion Ministries, Inc. Let me tell you about myself.

  • I was born in 1957 in a small town called Puyallup in Washington State. We had a nine-acre plot of land which was basically wooded in the back eight acres.
  • I have two sisters, Mary who currently lives in Tennessee and Pam, who lived in South Dakota prior to passing away in the middle of 2015.
  • I joined the Air Force after graduating from High School in 1975 where I was trained in main frame computer operations and was stationed at Homestead AFB in South Florida for the remaining 3.5 years.
  • I got involved with people who introduced me to drugs, mostly Marijana and speed, and occasionally harder drugs, and was eventually turned in to my Master Sergeant who, by the grace of God, worked out a plan where I would go through classes and counseling and not be kicked out of the Air Force.
  • I was saved in 1977 and was led by the Holy Spirit to the Rock Church in Homestead, FL pastored by Edward Bez where I finally understood what true Christianity was, as opposed to the churches I attended growing up.
  • When I left the Air Force in 1979, I stayed there in South Florida where I grew mightily in the Lord, while living a drug-free, hippie Christian lifestyle.

Now, a few other personal things about me.

  • I met my wife, Linda, twice. The first time she wanted nothing to do with me, the second time she gave me a chance.
  • We have two children, our son Christiaan who is thirty-seven, and my daughter who is thirty-five.
  • I am 3/4s German and 1/4 English, and one of my favorite foods is Sour Kraut.
  • I see my coffee and my Christian life similarly: pure and unpolluted.
  • I worked for over forty years as a COBOL programmer in financial applications, and I irritate my family with the way I handle our finances as a result. I am cheap and proud of it.
  • I have learned that the best way I can make people uncomfortable is to sing where they can hear me.
  • I received my MDiv and ThD at a great seminary, Andersonville Theological Seminary, where I had to balance my work as a programmer and theological training, which was not that easy but was rewarding,
  • My favorite authors are Francis Schaeffer, Oz Guiness, Douglass Groothuis, as well as J.R.R Tolkien and C.S. Lewis.
  • I have over 125 Pandora channels which I listen to quite often, shuffling them and thus never knowing what to expect.
  • I protect my family’s sanity by not playing any instruments or as stated above, singing.

I have learned throughout my many years the Christian life is not simply making a few changes from the old life but becoming a totally new creation with a completely new life whereby Christ is pre-eminent. It took me years to understand this, and I want to help Christians understand this and help the unsaved know there is a better life in Christ. And this is why I started True Devotion Ministries, Inc. and, and why I will continue to help everyone find this life that is so much worth living.

If you are interested in learning more about me and my testimony, you can find this at MyStoryStory